PEMRA Ban On Black Magic, Raids, Rape And Suicides In Reenactment Shows

PEMRA Ban On Black Magic, Raids, Rape And Suicides In Reenactment Shows

PEMRA recently banned local television channels to broadcast any content that features or depicts the following:

  1. Crime-reenactment
  2. Raids
  3. Rape
  4. Suicide
  5. Black magic
  6. Supernatural occurrences

PEMRA stated that any television show showing any of the above mentioned items will not be aired on television, starting from the 1st of Ramazan, and then declaring this ban as permanent.

The step was taken by the electronic media authority in order to ‘preserve and maintain sanctity’ in society , as various programs had been featuring obscene and inappropriate content in the name of reenactment.

TV viewership was expected to rise in Ramazan, due to short working hours. Thus PEMRA had taken measures to ensure that only family-friendly content was aired during that period.