English–Urdu Legal Terms – E

Note from the author: “As an erstwhile burger vakeel (lawyer), eager to join the lively katchery (district courts) scene, I can relate to the frustration faced by other in the clan, trying to make sense of the Farsi-Urdu legal terms. Poring over the lughats (urdu dictionaries) lead to more frustration. So, wanting to share whatever I have learnt over the years, I present my very own compilation of commonly used legal terms.” – via natalyakamal.wordpress.com

Legal Term Urdu Roman Urdu
Easement حق آسائش Haq aasaish
Environmental law ماحولیاتی قانون maaholiyaati qanoon
Estoppel امر مانع تقریر مخالف Amr manie taqreer mukhalif
Execution اجراء ijrah
Exempt مستثنی musstasna
Ex parte يکطرفہ yak tarfa
Ejectment بےدخلی bey dakhli
Examination in chief  ابترائی بیان Ibtadai bayan
Extrinsic Evidence  خارجی شہادت khariji shahadat
Natalya Kamal

Author: Natalya Kamal