Pakistan was recently notified by Iran through a legal notice threatening to take Pakistan to arbitration in Paris for failing to uphold its part of the […]
Aligning Family Law Reform with International Treaties
Family law reforms in Pakistan are influenced by various factors, including international treaties and conventions to which the country is a party. The Family Courts Act […]
Does the 26th Amendment Threaten Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law?
Abstract This article focuses on the recent Twenty Sixth Constitutional Amendment passed by the Pakistani Parliament. It has raised many eyebrows because of its effects on […]
An Open Letter to Law Neophytes: Navigating Primary Career Years
You have successfully finished law school with a degree in one of the most noble and traditional professions. Preceding you lies a rich history of many […]
Rights of Employees Governed by Non-Statutory Service Rules
Understanding the Distinction Before delving into the rights of employees, it is crucial to understand the difference between statutory and non-statutory service rules: Statutory rules: These […]
Qatl-e-Khata by Negligent and Rash Driving – Section 320
Karachi’s Karsaz Road recently witnessed the untimely demise of two innocent individuals, crushed under the proverbial and literal wheels of unbridled entitlement. An SUV-wielding driver, in […]
Can Mental Illness be Exploited as a Defense to Get Away With Murder?
Note: The publishers of this article do not intend to trivialize or diminish the seriousness of mental health issues or illnesses. We recognize that mental health […]
مجلہ عدالتی نظائر
مجلہ عدالتی نظائر- چوتھا شمارہ مجلہ عدالتی نظائر اردو زبان میں عدالتی نظائر کی آسان فہم تلخیص پر مشتمل آئین و قانون کی دنیا کا پہلا […]
The Constitutional Conscience: Pakistan’s Judicial Odyssey
Pakistan’s judicial history, rich in its complexities and dramatic turns, has always captivated the nation. With recent Supreme Court proceedings broadcast live on television and social […]
Boundaries of Power: Limiting Constitutional Amendments in Pakistan
One fine evening in 399 BCE, as the sun was about to set, Socrates, son of Sophroniscus, drank a cup of hemlock and ended his life […]
Redemption and Justice: Shawshank and PTI
The Shawshank Redemption, a movie released in 1994, is based on a story in which a banker is falsely convicted of murdering his wife and her […]
A Win for Democracy: SIC Reserved Seats Case
Pakistan is said to be a democracy. Democracy is derived from two Greek root words: demos, meaning people, and kratos, meaning power. Democracy is the power […]
Challenging the Supreme Court Judgment that Banned Student Politics
Case Commentary: Ismail Qureshi v. Awais Qasim (1993 SCMR 1781) In 1993, the Supreme Court of Pakistan, in the case M. Ismail Qureshi and others v. […]
Role of ADR in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment
Every country in the world relies on foreign investments to maximize its economic stability and improve the quality of its local marketplace. Foreign direct investment (FDI) […]
5 Reasons to Join KSJ Legal’s Summer School “Lawyer Launchpad”
Our flagship KSJ Legal Summer School 2024 is here with the theme “Envisioning a ‘GLO-CAL’ Career”. The term “glo-cal” is a blend of “global” and “local” […]
Job Opportunity: Legal Advisor, Maxim Agri, Lahore
Construction Disputes – The Achilles Heel of a Developing Sector
The rule of law is the foundation stone of a society as it ensures order and just conduct whereas its absence leads to chaos. It can […]