Voters In Houston Reject Equal Rights Ordinance

Voters In Houston Reject Equal Rights Ordinance

Voters in Houston rejected the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

The bathroom bill, which is actually “Ordinance No. 2014-530”, was meant to disallow discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and other protected characteristics.

The ordinance pinpointed the protection in areas like in housing, city contracting, employment, city contracting and business services but it was opposed for allowing transgender people to use bathrooms of their choosing. Last May, the ordinance was first approved by The Houston City Council,  but a legal hindrance caused the ordinance to require the approval from voters.

The main concern which was expressed by the opponents was that sexual predators would pose as transgender individuals in order to access bathrooms. However, the supporters of the ordinance stated that the ordinance will be able to give legal safeguards to the one of the most diverse cities in the US.