Explosive Substances (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Government Bill)
Proposed and moved by: Mr. Zahid Hamid (Minister for Law and Justice)
Status: Laid / To be introduced in the National Assembly
Summary: The Ministry of Law and Justice in its application to the Islamabad Capital Territory, has recommended introducing the Explosive Substances (Amendment) Act, 2016 to amend the Explosive Substances Act, 1908.
The Amendment Act of 2016 primarily focuses on s.7 of the 1908, Explosive Substances Act. It introduces a time bar of sixty days on the giving or refusing of consent for the registration of case by the government.
Under the original 1908 Act, no court could proceed to trial for an offence against the Act without the consent of the provincial government. As a result of such a power, there were increased delays in the giving or refusing of consent. Hence, the central agenda of the Explosive Substances (Amendment) Act, 2016 is to avoid such delays by limiting the time period to sixty days.
(Summary by Anam Asad Khan)