Interior Ministry Claims It Will Not Hold Accountability For JIT Photo Leak
A representative of the Interior Ministry has said that it is unmerited to accuse the Ministry of leaking a photo of the Prime Minister’s son, Hussain Nawaz, clearly displaying him showing up before the Panama Papers Joint Investigation Tribunal (JIT).
“The security of the judicial academy is the responsibility of the Islamabad police and none of the interior ministry’s departments has access to the JIT office or films,” declared said representative.
The photo, which seems, by all accounts, to be retrieved from a CCTV camera, reveals the date of Hussain Nawaz’s first encounter with the JIT on May 28, 2017. It shows him sitting without anyone else by his side confronting his examiners at the Federal Judicial Academy.
“It is inappropriate that people are playing politics over such a sensitive issue,” the representative’s statement proclaimed. “According to the same logic, is everything that happens within Bani Gala the responsibility of Islamabad police or the interior ministry too?” he said.
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